Project Plan Now

PROJECT PLAN NOW is a one-day facilitated planning workshop. It is just one way we lead by example to help launch a new project in the right direction, or a troubled one back to a healthy recovery. In this workshop, we help you plan it, schedule it, and manage it in order to meet your needs and expectations. Our first step is to work with you to determine which of the following key project plan components should be developed in the workshop:

Our skilled facilitators will drive the workshop so that everyone, including the project manager, can actively contribute in the planning. When you are done, you will have the foundation for detailed project plan that can be presented to sponsorship for approval to the next project phase.

This planning workshop is designed for entry-level to senior project managers, various skilled project team members, functional managers and key project stakeholders who would like to enhance their skills in understanding the key components needed to effectively build a solid project plan.

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