The Project Manager's Toolkit

This book is a management aid intended to help you manage your projects better. No… its purpose is not to bury you in administrative paperwork. As the title says, it is a toolkit of guidelines, templates, and checklists that enables you to build a project management structure that best fits your business needs, whether for a single project or all the projects managed in your organization. It is 100% compatible with A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) owned by the Project Management Institute (PMI®).

Key Guidelines Include:

Key Templates Include:

Key Checklists:

To order your copy of the PM Toolkit, please send a check for US$56 per copy to:

Checks should be made payable to "Enterprise Project Solutions, Inc."

The Project Manager’s Toolkit comes in a 3-ring binder and includes both paper copies of the checklists (suitable for reproduction) and a CD with electronic copies in Microsoft Word. Individual purchasers are entitled to copy or print checklists for their own projects only. Corporations are requested to purchase a site license; pricing on request.

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